Wireless Share Screen Receiver

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The wireless collaboration experience is available for small-large-sized conference rooms with the Transcreen.
ModelTranscreen 31003100Transcreen-41004100Transcreen 43004300
Number of Split ScreensOne/Two/Quad/Nine-Point ScreenOne/Two Split ScreenSingle Split Screen
CPU4-core ARM A534-Core Arm A534-core ARM A53
Wi-Fi hotspots5GHz/2.4GHz5GHz/2.4GHz5GHz/2.4GHz
HotSpot Wi-Fi Bandwidth867MHz867mhz867MHz
HotSpot Loaded8 devices8 Devices8 devices
Frame Rate25fps and below25fps and below25fps and below
Transmission Delay<150ms@10m/1080P<150ms@10m/1080p<150ms@10m/1080P
Transmission Distance>30m@1080P>30m@1080p>30m@1080P
Software CastingWindows / Android / iOS /Mac OS / ChromeWindows / Android / iOSWindows / Android / iOS /Mac OS / Chrome
Hardware CastingWindows / MacOSWindows / MacOSWindows / MacOS
Third-Party Transfer ProtocolsAirPlay/DLNA/MiracastAirplay/DLNAAirPlay/DLNA
Touch Callback10 o’clock @Windows / Mac OS10 O’clock @Windows / MacOS10 o’clock @Windows / MacOS
Presenter Permissions1 Person/Transferable1 Person/Transferable1 Person/Transferable
Wireless Note-taking< 128 people< 128 People< 128 People
Speak WirelesslyMutually ExclusiveMutually ExclusiveMutually Exclusive
Mirror Anti-ControlSpeakerSpeakerSpeaker
Master Screen ProjectorConfigurableConfigurableConfigurable
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